About DeskTop

Desktop is a pioneering program in Europe that promotes the use of technology to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and is co-funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Commission.

Desktop is an initiative promoted by the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God in eight countries, which has the collaboration of other institutions such as Hospitality Europe and the Hospitaller Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in addition to the Vodafone Spain Foundation, who is responsible for the entire technological part.

On this web page you will find information about the project and the tools you need to benefit from the results of this project, which include:

- an app called "Mefacilyta Desktop" for smartphones and tablets, that can be downloaded for free.
- a manual with the pedagogical route that explains how to get the most out of this digital platform for educators and people with disabilities.
- tutorial videos in different languages on how to download the application, create profiles and individualized supports, among other possibilities of the "Mefacilyta Desktop" tool.

Desktop es un programa pionero en Europa que impulsa el uso de la tecnología para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Comisión Europea.

Desktop es una iniciativa impulsada por la Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios en ocho países de la Unión Europea, que cuenta con la colaboración de otras instituciones como Hospitality Europe y las Hermanas Hospitalarias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, además de la Fundación Vodafone España, que es responsable de toda la parte tecnológica.

En esta página web encontrarás información sobre el proyecto y las herramientas que necesitas para poder beneficiarte tú también de los resultados de este proyecto, que incluyen:

- una aplicación llamada "Mefacilyta Desktop" para smartphones y tabletas que pude descargarse gratuitamente.
- un manual con la ruta pedagógica que explica cómo sacar el máximo partido a esta plataforma digital destinada a educadores y personas con discapacidad.
- vídeos tutoriales en distintos idiomas sobre cómo descargar la aplicación, crear perfiles y apoyos individualizados, entre otras posibilidades de la herramienta "Mefacilyta Desktop".






Download the DeskTop App 

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Service user adding new devices to the DesKTop platform
Recording voice for DeskTop app

Digital Pedagogical Route Manual

User Guide

This user guide is aimed to support new users to the Mefacilyta DeskTop how to use the app and to tell you some of the many things the app can do. As a user you can have your own personalised activities with step by step instructions on how to complete your chosen activities and learn new skills. In our user guide you will learn how to :

How to Download
How to Login
How to use QR
How to Change View
How to use Accessible feature?
How to work offline
How to use the 'Week' calendar?
How to use the favourites?
How to use Lists

Coach Guide

This coach guide is aimed to support new coaches on how to use the app and to demonstrate some of the many things the app can do. As a coach you can support a specific group of users and  this will allow you to personalise activities with step by step instructions on how they can complete their chosen activities and learn new skills. In our coach's guide you will learn how to :

Coach Profile